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CRLA Fellowship and Internship Fund

The CRLA Fellowship and Internship Fund encourages more law students and recent graduates to work at CRLA and benefit from the unique opportunities and mentoring we offer.

Donate to the Fellowship and Internship Fund today! Your gift will help us recruit and support fellows and interns in CRLA’s offices to conduct litigation and legal education for low-income rural communities. Thank you for your generosity!

Fellow Spotlight: Areyonna

In addition to sponsoring law graduates applying to law foundation or law school fellowship programs, we also offer our own CRLA Rural Justice Fellowships.

Areyonna is one of our 2021 CRLA Rural Justice Fellows and works as a staff attorney in our Delano office.

Areyonna's experiences as a resident of rural South Carolina and an AmeriCorps member, combined with her bilingual English-Spanish language skills, make her an invaluable addition to the Delano team.

CRLA clients have already benefited from Areyonna's work on housing and unemployment insurance cases—two areas of great need during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Fellow Spotlight: Jocelyn

Jocelyn is a 2021 legal fellow in our Oxnard office. Her fellowship is focused on expanding reentry services that support people following incarceration.

Jocelyn first connected with CRLA in 2019 to launch free criminal record expungement clinics that have cleared the records of dozens of people in the Oxnard area.

Because of her work, many more people can access housing, health, and employment opportunities, and the whole community is stronger.

Thank You to Our Inaugural Sponsors

logos of fellowship fund sponsors








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